ECF has laid out a detailed & standardised operational, administrative, financial, accounting and personnel policy.
- ECF has a three-tier structure. At the top are the Trustees joined by our Senior Mentors (Retired IAS, IPS, IRTS, IA&AS Officer, Army, Navy, Air Force Commanders and Senior Bankers etc.) who lead and guide the initiatives of the ECF bringing the wealth of experience having served at the highest levels in the government as well as the private sector.
- They are followed by the Strategic Team Members who are the drivers of the initiatives of the ECF. They are working professionals in the public and private service passionate to contribute to the development of the nation.
- The strategic team members and the senior mentors are supported by the office team of ECF who handle day to day operations along with young interns and student volunteers.
- ECF Day-to Day Operations:
- ECF has pre-defined domains which are entrusted to designated individuals.
The domains are as follows:
- Office & Admin/HR/Grievance Redressal
- Accounts & Finance
- Mentorships & Digital Infrastructure/Outreach & Students Registration
- Social Media & Public Relation
- Fundraising & Donor Coordination
The Hierarchy for each domain from bottom to top is as follows:
- Project Management Intern
- Project Assistant
- Project Co-ordinator
- Senior Project Coordinator
Project Head supervises the work of the team members and reports daily to Founder Chairman/Managing Trustee. Each team members & the Project Head report the progress of their daily work in a pre-approved Daily Progress Report (DPR) format for each designated position at the organisation.
- Day to day operations at ECF are standardised through standard “Work Allocation” with defined reporting format as mentioned above in form of DPR.
- Weekly reporting format to evaluate performance of employees and keep track of activity is also standardised in form of Weekly Report Formats for concerned domains.
- A system of standard Monthly Closing is also in place to align project activity with due diligence of all operational aspects at ECF.
- Standardised policies and procedures are in place at ECF.
- Monitoring Sub-Groups (MSG) are also formed each led by a senior mentor with strategic team members, volunteers and ECF team members.
MSGs are as follows:
- MSG-1: Registration Operations
- MSG-2: Course Activation & Student Feedback Monitoring
- MSG-3: Mentors Activity & Feedback Monitoring
- MSG-4: Student Feedback Monitoring
- MSG-5: Office Admin
- MSG-6: Marketing & Fundraising
- Social Media Monitoring:
- Board of Directors/ Trustees meet every quarter to discuss activities under the organisation, approve requests and decide future interventions.
- There are committees under the chairmanship of senior mentors to evaluate and engage with external stakeholders. These are:
- Academic Screening Committee: To review and approve course content.
- Technical Committee: To review and approve proposals of vendors/course providers/implementation partners.
- Mentorship Committee: To review efforts in the mentorship framework of ECF.
- Fundraising Committee: To reach out and onboard institutional and individual donors.
- Standard Accounting & Finance Manual in place.
- Visit by external CA every week to review accounts, tally and other financial documents.
- Standardised Monthly Internal Concurrent Audit system in place.
- Defined Policies for Budgeting, Gift acceptance, procurement and purchase.
- Fund availability and fund estimation review every month.
- CA Audited Utilisation Certificate submission to donors as prescribed by them.
- Registers for Rough Cashbook, Fair Cashbook, Stock Register, Tally Register, Donor Register etc.
- Standard HR policy in place.
- Data privacy and Non-Disclosure Agreement to be signed by all employees.
- Standard Resignation & Lay-off Policy.
- Defined Performance Incentive Policy.
- Standard & Transparent Incentive Checklist based on defined parameters.
Standardised Policies at ECF:
- HR Policy + POSH
- Procurement & Purchasing Policy
- Performance Incentive Policy
- Data Privacy & IT Policy
- Monthly Concurrent Audit Policy
- Internal Concurrent Evaluation Policy
- Budgeting Policy.
- Gift Acceptance Policy
- Revocation Policy
- Financial Reporting Policy
- Audit Policy
SOPs at ECF:
Finance & Accounting:
- Accounting SOP
- Checklist preparation and Payment SOP.
- CA Visit Checklist SOP
- SOP for UC generation
- Concurrent Audit SOP
Office & Admin:
- SOP for field visits
- SOP for volunteer onboarding
- SOP for weekly review meetings
- SOP for School collaboration under ECF
- SOP for facilitating MSG& other meetings under ECF
- SOP for English and Upskilling program for Udaan 2.0
- SOP for increasing organic followers on social media
- SOP for SHGs for student registration under project Udaan 2.0
- SOP for VLE’s under project Udaan 2.0
- SOP for ECF Team visit to CSC Centre and Camp for Udaan 2.0 Students
- SOP for payment process
- SOP for Webinar/Meeting/Events
- SOP for work allocation.
Reporting Format at ECF:
- Daily Progress Reporting Format for Each Team Member
- Weekly Reporting Format-(1)
- Weekly Reporting Format-(2)
- ECF Invoice Format
- Expanded ICE framework format
- Weekly Reporting Format-Accounts & Admin Coordinators and Intern
- Weekly Reporting Format-Social Media & Student Registration
- Weekly Reporting Format-Mentorship & Fundraising
- Monthly Closing Format- Admin
Manuals at ECF:
- Financial & Accounting Manual.
- Accounting Policies and Procedures Manual.
- Premium Mentorship Framework & Course Outline.
- Internal Concurrent Evaluation Framework.
- Checklists for Invoice Processing (separate formats for Petty Cash, Online transaction, course providers and donations)
Vision/Mission Document at ECF:
- Vision Document: fundraising
- Vision Plan for Mentorship
- Vision Document: Social Media
Reports at ECF
- Independent Impact Evaluation Report (2023-24) by IIT Delhi
- Internal Concurrent evaluation Report
- Annual Report
- Quarterly Progress Report- Donors
- MIS Report.
Guidelines Under ECF
- Guidelines for Mentors
- Guidelines for course providers under ECF
- Guidelines for students under ECF