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Earth Care Foundation (ECF)

Give It Back & Let Them Flower

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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

We at Earth Care Foundation (ECF) India respect your concerns about privacy and value the relationship we have with you. We are committed to the ethical collection, retention and use of information that you provide to us about yourself (“Personal Information”) on this site www.earthcarefoundations.org (“Site”). This policy describes the types of personal information we collect, how we may use that information and with whom we may share it when you visit our site or use our services (collectively the “Services”). Our Privacy Policy also describes the measures we take to protect the security of the information. In addition, we describe the choices you can make about how we use the information you provide to us. We also tell you how you can reach us to update your contact information, remove your name from our mailing lists, or answer any questions you may have about our privacy practices.
We maintain full confidentiality of all donors and contributors on our mailing and email lists, which will neither be sold to nor exchanged with any other organization or commercial enterprise, and we honour donors opt-out choices in our mail, email, phone and other solicitations.

Information We Collect and How We Use It

We may collect information about you directly from you and from third parties, as well as automatically through your use of our Site or Services to extend services like for our internal purposes, processing of your donations, providing receipts and tax exemption certificates, sending regular updates about the work we do for all our initiatives, respond to your queries and apprising you of the new opportunities in a better way. We seek your personal information when you make a donation, request a communication from us, register for an on-ground event, pledge support to our work and campaigns and apply for working or volunteering with Earth Care Foundation. This information may be sought over the phone, through the Webportal, via email or by the means of face-to-face interaction. You may choose to provide personal information either by phone, mail or on our Site. Certain areas and features of our Site and Services may require registration. To register, you must provide your name, address, email address, login and password. We may also request from you or allow you to submit additional optional information, depending on the type of communication or transaction the personal information we collect may include, but is not limited to, your name, postal address, date of birth, PIN code, telephone numbers, mobile phone numbers, your organization’s name, email addresses, credit/debit card information, bank information or billing information. Irrespective of the mode in which we receive your personal information, we make all earnest attempts to honour your privacy.

Email Communications

When you ask us to send you email such as a free email newsletter, you may provide us with certain information such as your email address so we can fulfil your request. You may choose to provide additional information as well, such as your postal address and phone number.


When you make a donation through our Portal, we may ask you to submit certain personal information (such as credit card information) so we can process your donation. We also maintain your contact information in our records so we can contact you to provide Earth Care Foundation(ECF) program information and information on additional giving opportunities.

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